Overlooked to Overbooked.

We don’t make you sound good; we make you SELL good (or well, if you’re a grammar nerd.)

Get Started Now (Free Gift)

"Erica is simply the best copywriter I have ever worked with. She is lightning fast, responsive, friendly, and completely understood my vision (maybe even better than I did)"

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Nicki B.

Embrace Pet Insurance

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You're not boring.
Your copy is.

Stop! Drop! And roll your eyes at the sight of corporate blah blah.

With Hijaq (yes, like Hijack – but without the criminal charges), we escort your brand’s jargon to the nearest exit and make room for punchy, personality-packed copy that HIJAQs your dream client’s attention.
When was the last time someone said: “Man, I love how this brand talks about synergy.”?
(Never. The answer is never.)

The "Where Did All My Customers Go?" Panic

You’ve seen it – traffic comes in, hope rises, and then… poof! They vanish like a compliment in a room full of narcissists.

It’s not you. It’s your copy.

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The "Elusive (Low) Conversions" Conundrum

You’ve tried everything—templates, “proven” formulas, even praying to the Google gods. Like catching smoke with a net.

You’re so close yet so far.

The "My Copy Sounds Like a Robot Wrote It" Syndrome

We aren’t anti-AI (in fact we LOVE the human + AI power couple) – we are just anti-bland-content.

It’s like showing up to a costume party dressed as “Person.”

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But now, your business is about to become the stuff of legends.

Or, at least, it'll feel that way when you're rolling in success. Either way, it's a win-win.
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Sales Strategy
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Website Copy
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Email Sequences
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Brand Messaging
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Sales Pages
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VSL Scripts
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Social Media
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Sales Funnels
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Conversion Audits
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Webinar Scripts
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Opt In Pages
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Lead Magnets
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Thank You Pages


They came, they saw, they converted.

Investment or Expense? You Decide.

“Five stars cannot do her justice. Erica doesn't just provide a service; she works with you as a trusted business partner to improve your business.”
Dr. Ari Z.,

Business Consultant & Coach

5.0 - Excellent

“I immediately could tell that she would be perfect for the project because you could see the range of creativity that she could accomplish in her writing.”
Ami F.,

Embrace Pet Insurance

5.0 - Excellent


Use our proven, client-getting copy & sales strategies rooted in science.

No Hail Marys here. (Unless that’s your thing, in which case, we might be able to provide a rosary or two).

Sales Strategy

We'll help you discover your brand's unique voice, the one that doesn't sound like a robot trying to sell you a toaster.

+ Brand Voice Development
+ Positioning & Offer Development
+ Conversion Audits

Online Homes

We'll design a clear path for your customers to follow from curious to converted, like a yellow brick road paved with Benjamins.

+ Website Copywriting
+ Sales Page Copywriting
+ Funnel Copywriting

Promotional Copy

We'll slay the sales dragon of boring copy and awaken the sleeping giant of your online presence.

+ Email Campaigns
+ Social Media Posts
+ Ad & Script Writing
+ Lead Magnets & Articles

...and every other ingenious piece of copy required to sell your vision to the world, we're on it.

Unabashedly, unapologetically ourselves.

We’re pretty much the equivalent of showing up to a black-tie event in a dinosaur costume. Why? Because in the game of business, playing it safe is the riskiest move of all.

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Let's HIJAQ your customer's attention & hold it hostage.

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Direct Response Sales Copywriter

This is what happens when the weird turn pro.

Are you our next success story?

We’re the red lipstick of copywriting—bold,
and impossible to ignore.

"Erica is the real deal! I was skeptical that anyone could capture my creative thought process and perform accordingly but Erica stepped right in and went above and beyond what I asked for. I truly believe she gets what it means to be an attention grabber."

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Jonathan Keys

Startup CEO

"Erica is a complete pro. It amazes me that she was able understand our business so quickly, and she writes engaging/effective copy with ease because of that (and her talent of course). I will continue to hire Erica as long as she'll have me 😊"

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Nicki Breth

Client Retention Manager

"I'm not as good with words as Erica is because she is a powerhouse. The level of work she completed and the speed she did it in, is honestly up there with some of the best I've ever seen. If you want an insane level of quality, by one of the best I've come across."

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James Irwin

Startup CEO

"Working with Erica was amazing from the very beginning. Erica took the time to research and gain an understanding of not only the business and it's voice, but also the audience. Erica took that information and created a wonderfully engaging content and copy."

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Lisa Lawrence

Production Manager

"Erica has become a great resource when I need copywriting for my various projects. She asks the right questions and truly puts her whole heart into writing the content. Other people in my company have worked with her too and have given her high praise as well."

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Ami Finster

Email Marketing Manager

The HIJAQ Effect


HIJAQ attention with the first line and hold it hostage till the last.


Forge a bond that turns readers into loyal fans (and buyers).


Watch as clicks turn into customers, browsers into buyers.

Where words become your most powerful sales tool.

Artsi AI reaches it’s revenue goals faster.

Suzly gives you the blocks needed to create a truly professional website for your SaaS.

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Cold Traffic
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YOY Organic
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ROI in
12 Months
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Magnetic Messaging

We craft words that stick (and sell).


We know what makes them tick (and click).

Strategic Storytelling

Where every word is a stepping stone to sales.

FAQs for our new BFFs

Will this really turn my boring copy into a customer-attracting magnet, or is this just another "miracle cure" that'll leave me disappointed and slightly constipated?

Honey, we're not in the business of selling laxatives. Our strategies are proven to HIJAQ your dream client's attention and hold it hostage until they're begging to throw money at you. It's like a magic trick, but without the risk of sawing your assistant in half.

I'm not sure I want my brand to sound like a dinosaur at a black-tie event. Can you make me sound professional and still, you know, not boring?

We get it. You want to be taken seriously, but not so seriously that people start nodding off mid-sentence. We'll help you find the perfect balance between "I mean business" and "I'm not a robot, I swear." It's like walking a tightrope, but with words.

My copy sounds like it was written by a malfunctioning Roomba. Can you help me find my brand's voice without making me sound like a teenage YouTuber?

We'll dig in to uncover your brand's unique personality and infuse it into every word we write. It'll be like your copy went to charm school and came back with a newfound confidence and a killer haircut.

I've tried every template and formula out there, but my conversions are still lower than my self-esteem after a bad Tinder date. Can you really help?

Templates are like off-the-rack suits—sometimes you get lucky but most the time they never quite fit right. We'll tailor our strategies to your specific business, audience, and goals. It's like having a personal stylist for your copy, minus the judgy looks when you admit you haven't done laundry in weeks.

I'm afraid of sounding too sales-y and scaring away potential customers. Can you help me sell without being pushy?

We're not here to make you sound like a used car salesman. We'll craft copy that resonates with your audience and guides them towards a purchase like a gentle, yet persuasive, shepherd. The only hooks used will be the ones we write for your copy.